Monday, March 21, 2016

Why Not STX or WDC for Dividend Plays?

ROE of STX is pretty good - which is what Joel Greenblatt touts..

Retire Young and Rich


Have hardly noticed the market...

Truly, what's the best way to invest - given you'll be kicking yourself if your stock drops..

Here's my new plan :

If the stock has formed a base and not broken out yet, get a few shares - you might have to hold for years :)

For good performers, use IFTTT - to be notified of drops..


Market Edge and Gorilla Trades seem to be doing a great job of picking out winners..

AMZN is rated an avoid right now for technical reasons - so watch for a dip to get back in..

Why not by NLY, sell the call and reap the dividend? Seems like solid support at $9..

BABA is rated a buy BTW.. Market Edge and the fundamentals - Thomson Reuters, S&P,..

FYI, GSK is rated lowest - despite the high dividend and low PE.. Who could have guessed?

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

You Should be Out Already. If Not... Sorry :)

Old dogs (like AAPL) are starting to bark - even DDD and GRPN.

VIX is going lower and lower all the time.

Vision Investing and Bill J O'Neill say that's all it takes for a market top.

Now's the time to take RBS' advice..

Sell now!!

Friday, March 04, 2016

Poised for Greatness : CRUS

Ultimate long term cup-with-handle.
